We use cutting-edge wrinkle relaxers that provide impressive results for patients who are looking to treat areas such as Eleven Lines, Crows Feet, Forehead, Nasal Bunny Lines, and Smoker Lines. You can also use neurotoxin to lift the brows, slim the face, hide a gummy smile, ease neck bands, treat acne, relax pain from TMJ, or relieve hyperhydrosis.
Jeuveau is the first and only FDA-approved neurotoxin designed exclusively for cosmetic purposes to relax the muscles that cause moderate to severe wrinkles. It is a neuromodulator in the same class as Botox and (FUN FACT), Oolala was the first medspa/studio to bring Jeuveau to St. Cloud! We love Jeuveau because it is a more direct neurotoxin with less ‘spread’ than the other toxins and in our opinion, it has the best 'wear'. Meaning, you don't just go from relaxed to wrinkled again overnight - the wear off is gradual. In a clinical head-to-head study, Jeuveau outperformed the market leader in 26 of 30 points, leaving clients with great results and higher patient satisfaction!!!
​Dysport is a convenient way to feel a beautiful boost, but not a total transformation. 95% of users are satisfied with just 2 treatments per year, and 97% stated the treatment looked natural. Dysport delivers noticeable results in as little as 24 hours after treatment, with results typically appearing within 2-3 days. One treatment of Dysport provides results that may last for up to 5 months!
FACIAL SLIMMING - For a feminine face, there is a 1.5 to 1 ratio from the cheekbones to the jawline…meaning wider cheekbones and slimmer jawline. Neurotoxin is injected into the jawline to give a more defined appearance to the jaw.
ELEVENS - The 11 lines (Elevens) are medically known as glabellar lines. They're the two vertical lines between your eyebrows. The 11 lines are caused by years of muscle movement. This kind of wrinkle is called a dynamic wrinkle because it's caused by muscle contractions instead of facial volume decrease. TOX treatment helps smooth out the 11's.
LIP FLIP - Injected into the tissue surrounding the lip to give a fuller appearance to the lips. More subtle then filler, and temporary.
DOWNTURNED MOUTH - As we age the mouth can take on a downturned appearance. This causes a very negative and sour/sad appearance. Relaxing the DAO (depressor anguli oris) muscle will cause the corners of the mouth to be slightly lifted, giving the mouth a more relaxed, happy, youthful and pleasing appearance.
TMJ - TMJ is a muscle spasm in the jaw that leads to pain, clenching the jaw, and grinding of the teeth. Pain can be relieved by neurotoxin injections in the masseter muscle. This weakens these muscles, resulting in less pain and relieving tension.
NECK BANDING - While platysmal bands don’t pose any health risks, visible platysma bands are not exactly a pleasant sight and can pull at your jawline causing joweling. As the platysma muscles are relaxed, the vertical bands become less visible, the skin to appear smoother and more youthful without the need for surgical intervention.
HYPERHYDROSIS - Neurotoxin prevents excessive sweating in the site where it’s injected by disrupting the chemical messengers that signal the body to produce sweat. Those who have tried and failed to stop excessive sweating with prescribed antiperspirants may consider this procedure. This is not a cure, sweating is your body's way of regulating heat. However, it will help reduce excessive sweating. Treatment effective for 6-12 months.